WHY is Your Website Not Ranking?

If your website isn’t ranking well even after 1 year. You’re doing something wrong.

You need to figure out what’s wrong with your website instead of just working blindly.

In this email, I’ll share common issues that can keep your website from ranking.

1. Working on Multiple Niches:

I have seen a lot of beginners make this mistake when they start working on different niches on a website.

You should select one niche and work on each category of that niche, it means you should build topical authority.

2. Keyword Research:

Keyword research is one of the most important things in SEO. I have seen most of the time people don’t target the right keywords.

What do the right keywords mean? It means you should start with low-competition keywords with competitive ones.

Last week I did a free website audit and I have seen the same issue on that website.

Links that point from one page of your website to another are internal links. They help search engines to recognize important pages of your site & boost their authority.

If you’re doing other things right, but not building internal links. Or sometimes they are irrelevant.

This thing will delay your rankings. So, you should build internal links between relevant pages of your website.

4. Indexing Issues:

Maybe you’re doing everything properly, but your content isn’t getting indexed.

Whenever we publish a page or content search engine crawlers will visit your website & store it in its database.

But, if you’ve technical issues or blocked crawlers, your site won’t index & rank.

However, if you’ve done everything but still have an indexing issue, you can try Indexed. Pro. I’m personally using it for website indexing.

5. Headings Structure:

Heading helps search engines to understand what your page or article is all about.

But, if your article heading structure isn’t proper, search engines won’t be able to understand your content & rank.

The common issues in this are multiple H1 headings or jumping from H1 to directly H3.

It should be:

  1. The title should be H1 which is by default H1 in WordPress.

  2. After introduction or heading under title should be H2.

  3. Headings under H2 should be H3.

  4. The conclusion should be in H2.